Monday, December 31, 2007

31.12.07 last post in this year (I think)

This you can see my "home laboratorion" and equipments which I`m using when doing some "scientifical tests" and preparing those cookies in my surgerytable.. Like in hospital, and listening some music during the operation.
I think bands like Aborted and Carcass suits best in those situations when there is lots of strict work needed.. And also few words about this new year selebration conventions: I-HATE-THOSE-ROCKETS and FIREWORKS!!! thanks and happy new year when it comes. Bye.


Steffi said...

wow! seems like you've been amazingly productive lately. I love the metal cookies!

LizNoVeggieGirl said...


Rural Vegan said...

Happy New Year!

urban vegan said...

Looks like the operation was a success, Dr. Seitan. Happy New Year!

ChocolateCoveredVegan said...

Wow, you updated a lot since I last checked!

Haha it really does look like you were working in a lab ;o).

Happy 2008!!!

Shananigans said...

I've had fun catching up on all your awesome creations.

Hyvää uutta vuotta! Do you do that thing where you melt metal over the fire and dump it in water and whatever shape the metal takes that tells you future in the new year? My host family in Finland did that, never heard of it before or since.

MeloMeals said...

Those look very good! Thanks for visiting my blog...

and it may surprise you, but I'm a closet metal fan myself. Sometimes the mood hits and I have to pull out old Metallica and Marlilyn Manson.. oy..