This is my christmas casserolles, traditional Finnish dishes! Those above are made of pureed carrot, syrup,cinnamon,salt,water,crushed bread crumbs and cooked barley(also a little dash of nutmeg and white pepper added. Those below are made of rutabaga,water,breadcrumbs,syrup and same spices as the carrot casserolle has in it.
I definitely like that rutabaga thing really much! I have some of this stuff stil in my freezer, so I can eat it when I want! Even in summer holiday or something..

This is yours ( I eat christmas dinner with my parents and littlebrother this time) dinner settings. You can see there is some green salad in front, marinated shiitakemushrooms by that rightside, above is some mustard-curry sauce made of silken tofu and creamy mushroomsallad made of soyyughurt,mixed salted mushrooms,salt fresh parsley and dash of white pepper. Yuo can also see that seitan-roast behind those mushrooms.

This is marinated tofu(with lots of soy sauce,fresh coriander,parsley,ginger,spring onions and garlic,black pepper,sweet and sour sauce and also some tomatopuree and spices). I baked it in a owen and we eat that as starter in your lunch with homemade springrolls and dipping sauce. It was wery good, I like those Asian-style spices! Behind is sauerkraut(I LOVE it) and green beans straight from jar.. ;)

This is also kind of marinated-bean salad! It was gorgeous, we got the inspiration to made this when we were eating lunch couple a days before christmas in one restaurant which serves only vegetarian food(also serves many lovely rawfood things!) and there were a marinated beansalad like this! We checked which it contains(there is always all ingredients showed in the lists) and then made it home. It was tasted just same like this one which we were eaten in these restaurant. It contains: lot of fresh coriander, parsley,chopped leek,sweet and sour sauce and tandoori masala-spice mixture+little dash of salt and soy sauce. AND sundried tomatoes.

This is your seitan-roast. I made it with one recipe I have writtened in Finnish, but I used also that Bryanna Grogan`s Seitan turkey-recipe when making this. You see, I sometimes will mix those different recipes and then turned them more tasty then. This is really succesfull and I think it`s also great when sliced cold topp of bread. I have still little left in my fridge and freezer.

And the last ones: our dreamlike chocolate-zuchini cake! It was really moist, soft, dark and GOOD! Everyone loved this, and that`s not the first time when my mother
(she is specializing to made this cake!) made it..
There is also used some dryed figs in this time, and because we don`t have that ready bought chrushed nut-mix we used allmond powder instead and noticed it also works.

And more desserts.. Christmas is the time of lots of sweet things.. I love those dryed peaches,apricots, melon bites and apple rings. There is also home made ginger breads(which I have decorated, but saddly there was lots of more those decorated ones befor my dog eat them all during I was out ..). And those little green wasabi chicpeas are one present I got from my mother.
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